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Web Apps

Check out the list of simple in-browser apps

Edge/Chrome Browser Extensions

Standalone Products

Floating command line for WindowsMore info...
Mezer Tools
Programmer/Designer's tools More info...
Digital MC
A Digital DJ you'll love...More info...

Web/Browser Debugging

Native Messaging Meddler
Debug browser extensions that talk to local Native Messaging Hosts. Learn more...Download...
HTTP Meddler
Easily generate HTTP traffic at any timing you specify.
Share reliable test cases and repros with your team.
More Info
Fiddler Web Debugger
Web Debugging Proxy, now owned by Telerik Learn More...
Fiddler NetLog Importer
Import Chromium NetLogs into Fiddler. Learn more... Learn More...

SlickRun-related Applets

Copy each applet to a folder on your system and add a MagicWord to run the .EXE

Note: You may need the Runtime libraries if you see an error message about a missing .BPL file.  You generally do not need to get the libraries on your own-- Bayden's major products above automatically grab them if needed.

WebCreds New!
Allows you to pass basic credentials and a POST body to a website from the
command line. Useful for logging onto mail systems, etc.
Task Killer
Kill a process by exenameDownload
Activates a window of the specified title or classname; runs a program if window cannot be found.
SHOWORRUN Notepad notepad.exe
SHOWORRUN Calculator calc.exe

Copy text from command-line to the clipboard.
Expands DOS environment variables (e.g. %PATH%).
will be replaced with CRLF.
Empty the system recycle binDownload
Trivial calendar shows you a few months at a glanceDownload
SetRes   New!
Set screen resolution, color depth, and refreshDownload
Console Capture v2  
Show/Search output of a DOS command in an edit box
GUI ipconfig
Gooey Capture (old)
Show output of a DOS command in a message box
GOOEY ipconfig
DTMF Tone Phone Dialer. Hold the phone up to your speakers and use your soundcard to dial.
DIAL 1-800-555-5555

Internet Explorer Plugins and Tools

Simple IE power-ups, most of which are available from the right-click menu.More info...
IE7 Search Provider QuickBuilder
A simple web-based tool to build / add search providers to IE7's search box.More info...
A feature rich tool to control popup windows in IEMore info...
Bare-bones IE popup control in just a 30kb footprintMore info...
Enable and disable your system's HTTP Proxy Server (WinINET / Internet Explorer). Useful for testing and when moving laptops between home/work networks.
SETPROXY myproxyserver:8888
Empty the IE CacheDownload
Grab a list of all URLs from IE windows and save to a script on your desktop. Requires the .NET Framework.  Download
TamperIE Web Security Tool
Enables HTML-form tampering for penetration testing of web apps. Learn more...
Increase MaxHTTP Sessions
Increase the # of connections per server IE can use from 2 to 16.  Simply run the .REG to update your registry and take advantage of this setting. Download

3rd Party Applets We Love

Shareware/Freeware/Pay tools we love that work well with SlickRun... Bayden Systems cannot guarantee or support any of these tools, since we didn't write them.

NTWind Utilities
WinSnap ($20) and TaskSwitchXP (free) are great. Learn More...
Agent Ransack / FileLocator Pro
Great file search utility which accepts rich command lines Visit MythicSoft
Cool little tool which lets you control sound volumes, power, etc. Visit
A great text/hex editor Visit JGSoft

CMD Shell Apps

Console File Finder
w foo finds foo*.* Download

Components for Developers

Add CD Burning support to your Delphi programs. More info...
CDBurner Updated!
Add CD Burning Wizard support to your programs (C#, Delphi, VB) More info...
Use standard Windows progress dialogs in Delphi programs More info...
Multi-threaded recursive file finder in Delphi Code

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©1998-2025 Eric Lawrence