@ericlaw built this page long ago; it's now used as a quick place to poke interesting Web Browser APIs.

Your User-Agent String

CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)

Your User-Agent string is 40 characters.

Your browser sent the following headers:
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: br,gzip
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Host: bayden.com
User-Agent: CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
X-Original-URL: /ua.aspx

HTTPBrowserCapabilitiesASPNET's HTTPBrowserCapabilities object reports that, based on the User-Agent, your Browser has the following capabilities:
Type = Unknown
Name = Unknown
Version = 0.0
Major Version = 0
Minor Version = 0
Platform = Unknown
Is Beta = False
Is Crawler = False
Is AOL = False
Is Win16 = False
Is Win32 = False
Supports Frames = False
Supports Tables = False
Supports Cookies = True
Supports VBScript = False
Supports JavaScript = False
Supports Java Applets = False
Supports ActiveX Controls = False

Supports scroll-to-text-fragment? Try it ; when scroll disallowed via DocPolicy ; in a new window ; in a new noopener window (allowed XO) ; in a new window with opener allowed (blocked XO) - Purple highlight if target-text Selector is supported
chrome.exe --enable-blink-features=CSSTargetTextPseudoElement https://wpt.live/css/css-pseudo/parsing/target-text.html


Server Date/Time:Fri, 14 Feb 2025 05:35:30 GMT

Your public IP address:

getUserAgent(): ?
🔋 Battery Status: ?
estimated Storage: (null)

Compression Streams

Explainer demo