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Digital MC

Your personal Digital DJ


Requires WindowsXP or later

Get the Digital MC (877 Kb)


Adding Music

From the Tools menu, click Find Music.  Provide the path to some music files and hit OK.  Your system will be scanned and the files will be added to the Library (the green box).  To save this list for later use, right-click the Library and choose Save Library File.  Save the list with a .MLF extension in your My Documents folder.  Later, you can reload the Library by clicking on its name in the gray pane on the left side of the program.

Alarm Clock Mode

To use DigitalMC as an alarm clock, load the program and add some songs to the library.  Then, choose Options | Sleep Until and enter the time you'd like to wake up.  Then check Options | Lullaby Mode to tell your computer to go to sleep when the current song (or current list of songs in the "Coming Up" box) finishes playing.

At the specified time, your computer will wake from standby and begin playing the songs in the library.


MC Supports a number of system-wide hotkeys to allow you to control your music no matter what you're doing.

  • Windows+Z - Sets focus to the "Find:" box

If your keyboard includes "Multimedia keys" like "Play", etc, they should just work. If not, no worries, use these hotkey combos:

  • CTRL+F9 - Play
  • CTRL+F10 - Pause
  • CTRL+F11 - Stop
  • CTRL+F12 - Next Song

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©1998-2025 Eric Lawrence